Want Kids to Learn Well? Feed Them Well

In this TED talk, world renowned chef Sam Kass discusses the relationship between healthy, nutritious food and doing well in school. Considering what we know about the role of emotions in learning, the importance of healthy, nutritious food on kids’ brains makes a lot of sense.

Should You Know How Much Your Coworkers Make?

In this TED talk, David Burkus makes a convincing case that pay transparency can increase intrinsic motivation and employee engagement. This is not an official recommendation from Six Seconds or myself personally, but it’s interesting food for thought…

Creating a Powerful Leadership Presence

How can you create a powerful leadership presence? We have all met those people who have a magnetic confidence and trustworthiness about them, but how can we cultivate those qualities? In this video from Six Seconds, Josh Freedman and Marilynn Jorgensen discuss this vital question.

Vital Signs Toolkit Customizable Brochure

The Vital Signs toolkit is a suite of integrated organizational assessment tools. Based on a powerful organizational model, the assessments measure key climate drivers and outcomes for leaders, teams, and organizations as a whole. These tools are administered by certified consultants who work with their clients to improve leadership and organizational performance. This customizable brochure […]