This is a lovely 3-min video of people around the globe singing a song together – showing global interconnectedness across race, culture, and geography. Could use for reflection around Noble Goal, and for cross cultural communication, peace, interconnectedness…
Shaheen Jafargholi Got Talent
This is a fab video of a young man (12) Navigating Emotions to show incredible resilience and optimism. He starts to sing and the judge stops him saying “you’ve got this all wrong” (ouch!) Stop video here and ask people how they’d be feeling? What patterns might you fall into now? Then continue to show […]
Clip: IT Crowd War on Stress
This is a hilarious clip about bad leadership – and bad stress management. The leader does pretty much everything wrong in terms of creating an engaged, effective climate.
Malcolm Parking Lot Rage
Hilarious video showing the Reaction Cycle and hijacking – two women “go to war” in the parking lot.
Stuck on the Escalator
We use this in the Reaction Cycle presentation and also for discussion of patterns. The people see themselves as stuck on the escalator… so they ARE stuck – belief makes reality. And, if we can choose to see a new way, suddenly there is a possibility of change. When we go up into cycle of […]
Amazing EIM Video – Marathon
This is an inspiring video about a man who decided to change his life — and run the Boston Marathon & raise money to help his niece with Cystic Fibrosis. Only problem: He weighed 270 lbs and couldn’t run 10 yards. It shows how Engage Intrinsic Motivation is about feeling and seeing a WANT and […]
Did You Know 2.0
This is an amazing video showing some of the changes in society & technology and the way that affects education. Excellent for conversation starter about change in schools, teachers’ & school’s Noble Goal, and also could be used around empathy w new situation of youth, or ??? This is the 2.0 version done by xplane […]
Vid: Choice Points
This is a lovely video, created as a “trailer” for a movie they want to make – about how we reach “choice points” — it’s a little “new age” in the language, but I think it asks some powerful questions and has some beautiful footage about CHANGE, personally and societally. How do we step into […]
Office Rubberband
Funny. This shows someone in office trying to put rubberband on too big pile of paper – could be used to show hijacking or Consequential Thinking (lack of). (About 30 seconds)
Acupuncture Bad Day!
This is a pretty funny ad – a guy is covered in acupuncture needles and there’s a fire… he goes to the window and guess what the firefighters are telling him to do?
Children See and Do
Powerful video about how children copy all the (bad) behaviors we model… shared by Monica Bento Lopes Silva
Why Women Need Catalogs
Amusing brief clip illustrating Emotional escalator – from Cheryl Bakke Martin – also about cross-gender (mis)communication…
Today Show – Josh interview
Piece about “keeping feelings in check” in relationships (5 min, AVI file – should work on PC or Mac) – March 2008
Vid: Empathy Sesame Street
2.5 min w/ “Murray” and actor Mark Ruffalo… “Empathy is when you can understand and care about how someone feels.” Ends with the Dance of Happiness! It’s not how I’d define empathy… but it’s certaintly a “cute” engage — probably good for adults who grew up w/ Sesame Street, or for little ones. I might […]
Vid: Sarah Jones TED
This is a very funny and touching video where comedienne Sarah Jones presents a whole panel discussion — her fictional characters come speak to the TED audience. These women (actually all her) each speak with such an individual but connected voice about life and change and hope. It would be outstanding for body language, empathy, […]
Star Wars – I’ve Got a Bad Feeling…
I found this on google video – apparently in each Star Wars movie someone says, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this….” Someone edited those all together. I’ve used it as a funny way to introduce the idea that our feelings give us insight into what’s going on around us… we need to pay attention […]
eBook: Believe Me: A Storytelling Manifesto for Change-Makers and Innovators
15 storytelling axioms that will change how you approach and think about storytelling. From Michael Margolis CEO, Get Storied –
Chapter: U Turn Your Life – 5 Simple Steps to Achieve Success Starting Now!
First chapter on EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE from ‘5 Simple steps that I took to pull myself out from severe health problem. Steps that you can apply to literally, ‘U Turn Your Life’. From Zeeshan Raza The full book is on Amazon here:
5 Essential Distinctions for Managing Up
Working with senior leaders can create stress and uncertainty – which leads to poor performance. Here are five ways to solve that. From Patrick Reilly.
Teaching tool: Feel & Deal Faces
Christa Tinari shares this tool is special because it includes realistic, scientifically accurate facial expressions, on relatable boy and girl illustrations. Created and tested by a diverse group of teachers and counselors! (And, never offered free before.) Learn more here: