Sleep Meditations for Kids

Created for children of all ages by leading British Yoga teacher Christiane Kerr, this high quality audio guides children to the creative part of their mind through a number of carefully scripted story meditations. Each meditation story has an underlay of subtle sound effects and gentle music which, combined with Christiane’s calming voice, will help […]

Really Caring

In this short video, photojournalist Dewitt Jones talks about the power of really caring – for the people we work for, the people we work with, and the very work itself — and how it’s the basis for creativity… and creating a better world. This video is free to watch online until Nov. 21st. 2016

Thinking Differently About Psychiatric Disorders

In this TED talk, neurobiologist David Anderson challenges the current way of thinking about psychiatric disorders. With humor, wit and a lot of insight, he shares his research findings on ADHD and his hope that we can move toward more targeted psychiatric medications.

Stop Socializing Girls to be Perfect

This short article and accompanying TED talk make the case that socializing girls to be perfect actually harms them in the long run, because “if we can teach young girls to be brave, not perfect, they will add their intellect, compassion and empathy to solving the world’s big problems.”

Focus Is a Prerequisite for Compassion

In this fascinating TED talk, bestselling author Daniel Goleman makes the case that it is our focus, more than anything else, that determines whether or not we act compassionately toward others. If we are too focused on ourselves and our own situation, we essentially turn off our ability to practice empathy.

Photographing Strangers

Since 2007, Richard Renaldi has been approaching and asking complete strangers to physically interact while posing for a picture. He calls the series Touching Strangers. The images range from awkward to intimate, but the most important part of the series is how it has impacted the participants themselves. Is there an important lesson here for […]

The Positive Influence of Water

Have you ever felt at peace walking by the ocean? Or in silent awe sitting near a waterfall? You are not alone, and scientists say that hanging out near water really does have a positive effect on our brains. So what exactly is happening? This article from Life Hack looks at all the ways in […]