How to Cultivate Belonging in a Divided World

People today feel like they are losing a sense of shared humanity with those they disagree with. In this article, social scientist Brené Brown talk about her research into this trend and her tips for cultivating belonging in an increasingly divided world. It’s more important now than ever.

The Dance Recital

This sweet, amazing video is about a dad and daughter who are given the chance to do something they really want – but only if they start today. They choose to dance together, and it’s really fabulous. A good reminder that doing what we really want, following our noble goals, is something we should start […]

Joe Is Stressed – ppt slide and activity

This pptx slide includes instructions for a simple activity to discuss stress, reactions, and responses. It involves making three short lists about stressors, reactions, and alternate responses. It’s well suited to a session on stress, communication, relationships, managing/leading, Recognizing Patterns… or on just being more effective.

Testing Strangers’ Empathy

In this short video filmed in Tbilisi, Georgia, 6-year-old actor Anano is put in various situations to see how strangers react. While many show empathy, a slight change in the circumstances made people act very differently. A fascinating look at empathy and how it can be more challenging outside of our ‘in-group.’

Reflecting on Your Emotions as a Parent

In this short video from Six Seconds, Eldon Pascoe talks about how he and his wife struggled as they dealt with their second child’s behavioral outbursts – and how they used emotional intelligence to take a step back and think of the best way to deal with the situation. A great video for parents or […]