People today feel like they are losing a sense of shared humanity with those they disagree with. In this article, social scientist Brené Brown talk about her research into this trend and her tips for cultivating belonging in an increasingly divided world. It’s more important now than ever.
How to Get Better at Achieving Your Goals
This article offers research-backed tips for getting better at turning your goals into reality. An article from the Greater Good Science Center.
I principi dell’intelligenza emotiva
Ecco alcune slide che ci ricordano quali siano i principi Six Seconds dell’Intelligenza Emotiva. Grazie a GAP Management per la cura del layout!
Introduzione all’intelligenza emotiva
Ecco alcune utili slide (con speaker notes) da utilizzare come supporto per la vostra attività di training per introdurre l’importanza del paradigma emozionale in azienda e nella vita in generale.
How to Speak So People Want to Listen
In this TED talk, sound and listening expert Julian Treasure talks about how we can talk so people will want to listen. A really interesting look at the nuances of effective communication.
Made for Goodness
This sweet video shows His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu discussing how we tend to think about the world, especially after reading the news.
Interconnected Emotions
This great article from the GGSC is about Dacher Keltner’s breakthrough research on emotions at UC Berkley. It puts a solid base of neuroscience to the question, “What are you feeling? And what else are you feeling?” Emotions are anything but islands.
The Dance Recital
This sweet, amazing video is about a dad and daughter who are given the chance to do something they really want – but only if they start today. They choose to dance together, and it’s really fabulous. A good reminder that doing what we really want, following our noble goals, is something we should start […]
Helping Kids Overcome Adversity
In this video from Six Seconds, Josh Freedman and Jenny Wiley discuss ways to help kids overcome adversity.
Integrating Social Emotional Learning into Common Core
Do Common Core standards undermine social emotional learning? This article from the Greater Good Science Center offers an interesting take on this question.
How to Be a Better Listener
In this funny, amazing TED talk, Celeste Headlee offers great advice for how to be a better listener and conversationalist.
Just Breathe: How to Calm Down When Angry
In this sweet, engaging video, kids describe what it feels like to be angry – and how to calm yourself down.
Are Emotions Born or Made?
How do emotions work? Are we born with them or do we learn them, like we do the names of colors? This article from the Greater Good Science Center breaks down decades of research into this question.
Joe Is Stressed – ppt slide and activity
This pptx slide includes instructions for a simple activity to discuss stress, reactions, and responses. It involves making three short lists about stressors, reactions, and alternate responses. It’s well suited to a session on stress, communication, relationships, managing/leading, Recognizing Patterns… or on just being more effective.
Mindfulness Can Make You Less Biased
Research suggests that mindfulness can help us correct for cognitive biases. A wonderful article from the Greater Good Science Center.
Testing Strangers’ Empathy
In this short video filmed in Tbilisi, Georgia, 6-year-old actor Anano is put in various situations to see how strangers react. While many show empathy, a slight change in the circumstances made people act very differently. A fascinating look at empathy and how it can be more challenging outside of our ‘in-group.’
Reflecting on Your Emotions as a Parent
In this short video from Six Seconds, Eldon Pascoe talks about how he and his wife struggled as they dealt with their second child’s behavioral outbursts – and how they used emotional intelligence to take a step back and think of the best way to deal with the situation. A great video for parents or […]
Pausing and Considering Where Trash Ends Up
This powerful video really makes you stop and think about the role we all play in ocean pollution. And to take it a step further, how can I use consequential thinking to help solve the problem?
How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain
New research indicates that gratitude improves our mental health, and you can read about it here in this article from the Greater Good Science Center.
Remember Your Morning Affirmations
This amazing video shows a little girl practicing her morning affirmations – and it’s really great. And also a good reminder that even as adults, we should take time to practice our own affirmations and remember what we are grateful for.