This is a great way to introduce the competency of Engage Intrinsic Motivation – probably don’t show the whole thing, but about 5 min, then discuss. Ideal for corporate/workplace audience.
Choice Points
This is a lovely video, created as a “trailer” for a movie they want to make – about how we reach “choice points” — it’s a little “new age” in the language, but I think it asks some powerful questions and has some beautiful footage about CHANGE, personally and societally. How do we step into […]
Vid: Get a Little Love
This is a montage someone made putting together a few different clips from ads and other sources — showing a kind of “pay it forward” effect of kindness. It’s a “feel good” and also shows the power of EMPATHY — how when we Increase Empathy, it’s not just for one person, but for a whole […]
Vid. Teaching in the 21st Century
Are you a 21st Century Teacher? Find out! YouTube Link:
Smile & Hat
This video illustrates the “problem of the iceberg” with over-focus on the behavior-side without consistency between what’s inside and what’s outside. It’s very funny, but in a tounge-and-cheek way which won’t be appropriate for all audiences. Thanks to Tessy Britton for finding this one!
Dancing Wedding Procession
This is a very funny and uplifting video that could be used for “fun” or for talking about positive emotion, energy, emotional contagion. The expressions on people’s faces are delightful, and there’s something infectiously positive about the whole thing. What if life were more like this?
Clinton & Yeltsin Laugh video
Thanks to Bruna Martinuzzi for sharing this example of emotional contagion (here’s a White Paper on this: Could be tied to empathy, CT, or choose yourself in terms of considering how emotions spread from one to another.
Emotional Contagion “Subway” video
Emotional contagion can be linked to Enhance Emotional Literacy (understanding the way emotions work), Increase Empathy (understanding how people might feel the way they do) and Apply Consequential Thinking (evaluate the effects of choice about feelings). Sometimes this is called “infectious” (as in PUFI). Important for… leaders, teachers, parents to understand their impact customer service […]
Oprah Marshmallow
Delightful clip of the re-creation of famous Marshmallow Study on delayed gratification – Goleman introduces it. Often used for intro to EQ, also Recognize Patterns and Apply Consequential Thinking are in evidence!
Vid: Smooch
This is a lovely 3 min 20-sec trailer about a project capturing people giving a kiss. Started as a photographer’s collection, then she began to learn about the stories behind the people giving kisses. In this clip, we see a man, maybe 30 yrs old, giving a kiss on the cheek to a woman who […]
Vid: Failure Success
This shows a number of people who “failed” and how that turned into success (e.g., Lucille Ball & Beatles turned down, Abraham Lincoln defeated in 8 elections) “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived” Great for EXERCISE OPTIMISM and generally for resilience, learning, empathy, and defining success.
Vid: Race to Nowhere
This is an intriguing trailer of a movie – about the mess we’re creating for our children w too high standards, too high expectations, and a material / perfectionist / grade-oriented value system. Esp applicable in affluent communities, this would be important in parenting and educator workshops. Tie to Give Yourself – both Empathy (kids’ […]
Vid: Make change fun – stairs
This is a compelling and engaging experiment that illustrates the importance of the “right” emotional hook to make change work. When you make it fun, people are more likely to change!!
Choose the Recital
How are we making choices about how we use are time? If we can Know Ourselves to recognize our patterns, we can Choose Ourselves to seize the moments and Give Ourselves to connect with our children.
Awareness Test – Bear video
This is a fun video for introducing “Know Yourself” and the importance of awareness… what you don’t attend to, you don’t notice. I don’t want to “give it away” in case you haven’t watched it – just watch it, follow the instructions CAREFULLY, and you are likely to be surprised. In a group of 100 […]
Dance by Ma Li (馬麗) and Zhai Xiaowei (翟孝偉).
This is a lovely piece on resilience & optimism – story of adversity below – and what they’ve achieved is both inspiring and heartful. In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV one very unique couple won one of the top prizes. The lady, in her 30’s, was a dancer who had trained since she […]
Self-Awareness – X Factor Holistic Vocal Coach
This makes me absolutely cringe – this woman has NO self-awareness and totally offends the judges — could be used for a piece on communication, self-awareness, and also EL/Empathy looking at the emotional impacts — of course also CT for this person’s terrible choices! Thanks to Tessy Britton for sharing!
If everyone cared (video)
Cool music video showing ways people have changed the world. Great for discussion of noble goals.
Vid: Susan Boyle Got Talent
You’ve probably seen this one! Great for a workshop on assumptions, “isms”, or Empathy. Show the first 30 secs, pause before she sings… Also – interesting to have people close their eyes while she sings and then ask them to describe (draw?): What do you imagine the person who is singing looks like?
Outstanding Mirror Neuron vid from Nova
I taped this piece from Nova’s “Science Now” and edited it down a little – still a bit long @ 7 minutes – does an fabulous job introducing Mirror Neurons and the fact that we are “Wired to Connect.” Suggest you use for Empathy showing that it’s not a “soft squishy” thing but part of […]