This short video breaks down recent research into whether voles can feel empathy, and the results may surprise you…
Video: What Makes Us Feel Proud
A short, sweet video of people talking about what they are most proud of. A good resource for Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals… What are you most proud of? Can you relate to anyone else’s answer?
Video: How to Give Feedback
This short video from Daniel Goleman and Bill George explores how to give feedback in a constructive way. Is it possible to give honest feedback in a way that opens people up to learning and growing?
Empathy Is Still Lacking
This article from Harvard Business Review discusses the role of empathy in business leadership and why it’s more important than ever in today’s world.
Helping a Stressed Out Coworker
This article from Harvard Business Review goes through concrete steps that we can take to help someone who is feeling stressed. The focus of the article is on helping a coworker, but the steps are helpful in any situation involving stress!
SEI Debrief Guide
A handy 1-page reminder for those conducting debriefs in the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment, SEI — and questions useful for all of us! From Maria Olsson, Austria.
Video: Empathy In Action
This short, animated video talks about the difference between sympathy and empathy, with great examples of empathic and, uh, not so empathic responses. A great resource for understanding or teaching about empathy and its importance
Lifelong Success Starts with Social Emotional Learning
This article from edutopia discusses the results of longitudinal research into social emotional learning in children and subsequent life outcomes. Also gives concrete, easy to follow steps that parents and educators can take to promote social emotional learning in their homes and classrooms.
Video: A Touch of Empathy
In this short video, tennis star Jo-Wilfred Tsonga shows a wonderful touch of empathy
Video: Start With Why
In this TED talk, Simon Sinek breaks down the importance of focusing on your why, as a business and as a person. This is a great talk for understanding the power of Engaging Intrinsic Motivation and Pursuing Noble Goals.
Case Study: Valor Collegiate Academy
Valor Collegiate Academy in Nashville, TN has a diverse student body that is consistently exceeding expectations, both academically and socially. What are they doing differently? They have one of the most extensive social and emotional learning programs in the country.
Deng Thiak: From Child Soldier to Refugee Lawyer
This video is an inspirational example of how DRIVE works – here’s a young person who Exercises Optimism and Engages Intrinsic Motivation in order to Pursue Noble Goals. For more background, here’s an article about Deng Thiak’s story:
Empathy and Parent-Child Conflict
How can we use empathy to dissolve frustration and resolve conflict with our children? This is a 90-sec video about Joshua Freedman’s book, Whole-Hearted Parenting
Case Study: EQ and Sales
At corporations like L’Oreal, Sheraton Hotels, and Bass Brewers, research has shown a convincing link between emotional intelligence and sales performance. How much of a difference does it make, and can you improve EQ?
A Growth Mindset
Research from Stanford Professor Carol Dweck shows that attitude is a better predictor of success than IQ. A winning attitude is what she calls a growth mindset, and its even more important during setbacks and challenges. Do you have a growth mindset? How do you respond to challenges?
Super Optimist Worksheet
This worksheet asks people to consider a challenge or a situation from an overly pessimistic and then overly optimistic view — and finally a realistically optimistic view.
Video: Compassionate Chocolate
This beautiful video explores the transformative power of hope, optimism and empathy in the midst of dire circumstances. Have tissues ready… It could be used to illustrate Increase Empathy, Exercise Optimism, and Pursue Noble Goals
Video: The Lithuanian Immigrant
This powerful video shows people reacting with empathy after witnessing a racist incident directed toward an immigrant. It would be effective for showing Increase Empathy…
Video: A Winning Attitude
This is a fantastic interview with a high school football player- showing the power of motivation and relentless optimism. Great for discussing intrinsic motivation, noble goals and optimism. Warning: You will feel very motivated after watching this video.
A Case for SEL in Schools
This article from Clara Chow explores the need for social emotional learning in schools. The article includes a few examples of simple, Q & A exercises that educators could use to help kids develop these essential life skills!