Illustrating Learned Optimism

This short video illustrates Martin Seligman´s concepts of learned helplessness and learned optimism, explores the different explanatory styles of optimism and pessimism, and the different outcomes. In order to Exercise Optimism, understanding the nuances between optimistic and pessimistic mindsets is essential. For more on optimism, see this article:

The Yacht of BEING

This image represents the beauty and the power that resides in every person. We are already this magnificent yacht. We are already beautiful and powerful; we need to affirm it in ourselves and in others. We are riding the waves of our life, but we have tools to help us stay in balance. The dock […]

Expanding Your Child’s Circle of Empathy

If we wish to nurture tomorrow’s change-makers today, we must start with enhancing empathy in all children. Every child is born with the ability to empathize. When they are young, their circle of empathy starts small. As they grow, parents can help to increase empathy through three stages on a continuum: developing, practicing and expanding […]

EQUCD Better World Posters

Two beautiful posters to print and share in every classroom and family about using emotions and emotional intelligence for a better world. Created for Universal Children’s Day, these important messages about emotions and decision-making support a world where children’s rights are fully realized.