This is a classroom activity on enhancing emotional literacy, using an interactive puzzle game.
Wheel of Holistic Perception
This venn diagram is a tool for helping children develop an increased sense of internal balance and emotional safety, which is the basis for a healthy life. Created by Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant Denise Durkin.
Pattern Worksheets
This series of worksheets takes you logically through a reflection about your patterns of reaction, looking at the recurring themes, implications, and alternatives.
It’s What I Like, Lesson Plan
This social emotional learning lesson is interactive and artistic. It helps students explore big questions such as… When I support another student how do I help myself? Why is reciprocity important?
Tapping Team Talents
This mini-workshop is designed to help team members recognize differences among them, how to use their own talents, and how to use others’ talents. With the help of the Brain Discovery Profile, each person will learn more about their individual strengths and challenges and learn tools for tapping into everyone’s talents in team settings. For […]
SEL Lesson: Bank Accounts of Behavior
This social emotional learning lesson introduces the metaphor that a person’s reputation is a personal “bank account” of behavior. Students brainstorm in groups about what actions enhance or detract from our reputation, and why.
Music of Feelings Lesson
This emotional literacy worksheet is intended for a classroom or training exercise. Play a piece of music, and have participants fill in one row of the sheet. Then, after 2 mins, switch to a new, different piece.
SEL Lesson: Ideal Friend
This social emotional learning lesson helps students assess what makes someone a good friend, and what they can do to be a better friend to others. It helps students pin down the components of healthy relationships and how they can cultivate them!
Empathy: The Gift
This module from Six Seconds is a wonderful exercise for actively practicing empathy. It’s a meditation or visualization exercise, followed by a sharing session.
SEL Lesson: A Weather Balloon
This sample SEL lesson is designed to help students understand some causes of stress, the consequences of too much stress, and ways for reducing stress in themselves and others.
Models of Resilience
An interactive lesson plan on the ingredients of resilience — easily adaptable to both children and adults. In this exercise the participants will reflect on models of resilience, whether they be people or parts of nature. After viewing the models they will reflect on how they can integrate more resilience strategies into their lives.
SEL Lesson: Layers of Feelings
This SEL lesson helps students recognize the layers of feelings underneath an initial feeling, so that their thoughts and actions can stem from an informed understanding of emotions. A powerful, interactive exercise for the classroom.
Activity: Group Blackjack
This fun activity is good for practicing the skills of teamwork and empathy, and all you need is a deck of cards and a large group.
SEL Lesson: Trust
This SEL lesson helps students define trust, understand its value, and recognize its presence or absence in different life situations. It involves both a worksheet and an activity.
SEL Lesson: Six Ways to Peel a Banana
This social emotional learning lesson, “Six Ways to Peel a Banana,” is a wonderful resource to help students think outside the box and find multiple solutions to a problem.
SEL Lesson: Committing to a Noble Goal
This social emotional learning lesson is targeted for secondary age students. It’s a wonderful exercise on forgiveness that teaches kids about values, how to identify them, and how they drive our actions.
SEL Lesson: Needle In A Haystack
This social emotional learning lesson is a great exercise for increasing empathy in a group. It allows individuals to share something unique about themselves with the group.
Video: Pursue Noble Goals
In this TED talk, Drew Dudley talks about making our noble goals a part of how we choose to be, part of our lives each day. Sometimes it’s tempting to think of noble goals as far off and even beyond us, but in the Six Seconds EQ Model, noble goals are something we work toward […]
A Talent for Motivation
This 40-60 minute session introduces Engage Intrinsic Motivation — it uses the Brain Discovery Profile to help participants look at the link between using personal talents and increasing motivation. This module is only available to EQPC (old EQC) grads.
The Brains for Innovation
In this three hour workshop you’ll use the Brain Brain Profile to introduce EQ, and look at Recognizing Patterns and Exercising Optimism as two key EQ competencies for innovation. Topics: What is innovation? Neuroscience of Stuck EQ Tools for Spark This module is available to Certified EQ Practitioners with a Premium membership.