This page is optional links, resources and review for after your EQPC

Why EQ?

Why is emotional intelligence important? Now that you’ve been through the course, has your perspective changed, strengthened?


Optional: you can go back to the pre-work unit on Why EQ.

It’s challenging to synthesize the “case” in a few words.  Yet to engage people in EQ, we need a simple, clear answer.  So give it a shot… answer the question in a “tweet” (ie, in under 140 characters):  Why is EQ important?

Type your answer in this discussion forum here.

Optional:  Review some of the activities we used in the course: EQPC Activities 7.12.16

Please note: This document is intended for EQ Practitioner Certification graduates to help you review key exercises and use tools from the EQPC and is confidential to EQPC alumni. Some activities can bring up intense emotions, so please use with care. Note: Each EQPC is unique, so there may be exercises you experienced not listed here and vice versa.

EQ Tools

Create a “map” of what you learned in EQPC by making a visual organizer (in the manual,  you will see a “highlights” chart of the week – or you can click here to download another – you can use this as your visual organizer, or you can be more creative).

The point of this exercise is to capture your key learning in one page.


In the EQPC, you made “flags” to capture key tools: models, methods, exercises, processes for learning and using EQ. Take a look at these pictures to remind yourself of some tools (maybe not all of these were in your EQC… and probably many others were!)  You can click any for a closer view.

Choose one tool (from here or from your notes) and practice it.  How has this practice had an impact on your personal or professional life? What will you be continuing to practice?

The Six Seconds Model Review

The Six Seconds Model is a process framework for putting emotional intelligence into action through three simple steps.

Within the 3 steps are 8 specific competencies.

Optional – Re-read:

Introduction to the Six Seconds Model (article)


Here’s a chart — please “translate” the definitions into your own words to re-capture your understanding of the competencies.

Next: Which is a competency you’d like to understand more deeply? Click on at a competency to see related articles… and then read an article, and leave a comment at the end of the article, to interact and contribute to the blog about it.


EQ Action Plan

Time for more 1-2-3 Pasta!  This part will help you pull together your review of the competencies and make an action plan.


Download this worksheet for “An EQ Action Plan” and try it out.

Thinking about the tools and principles of EQ, fill in the Action Plan.  Are there specific EQ tools and concepts you can use to address the situation you identified?

Review some of the activities engaged in during the course.

Continue your elearning

To continue your EQ Learning:

Free Webinars

Several times per month, we offer webinars.  You can sign up for a webinar to attend live — and/or you can sign up to receive a link to the recordings.  We’ll be adding recordings to soon. If you have an idea for a webinar, please contact your Regional Network Director or in the Global Office, Susan Stillman ([email protected]) or Jenny Wiley ([email protected])

Here’s a convenient place to see upcoming webinars:

Meeting, Presenting

We have regional EQ Cafes, EQ summits and other events.  These are great ways to connect, share best practices, and present your progress!

From there, we also invite people to lead projects, to present webinars, become Network Leaders, and more.


You’re now invited to re-visit EQPC anywhere in the world for costs-only on a space-available basis.  If you can possibly do so,  every person who’s done this says it’s invaluable.  You see the course from a new perspective.  The schedule is on

Next Cert

After EQPC, most people are looking for the concrete deliverables:  How do I take this WOW learning and really deliver it?  So, usually people go from EQPC to either:

  • One of the tools certifications (SEI, VS) — either through the 1-1 option (from your desk) or one of the live courses (Coaching EQ or VS Consultant).  If you’re in education, we also have the EQTE (either live or virtual).  It really depends on what kind of learning you like.  The 1-1 and virtual courses are highly practical.  The live courses create that group sharing energy.
  • Advanced Trainer.  This program takes you deeper into the methodology.  Very hands-on, you do a ton of presenting, giving & getting feedback, and seeing “behind the curtain” to understand Six Seconds’ learning process.

Your EQPC Trainer will be happy to talk to you about a recommendation.  Again, the schedule is on



As you know from the license, you’ll need to renew annually. Why? Six Seconds is committed to researching and sharing best practices — which means we all need to keep learning and keep current.

For full details please see the Accredited Continuing Education (ACE) Units Page. 

Renewal requires 12 ACE units and the use of 100 credits.

Some examples of ways to earn ACE units:

Joining Six Seconds’ free webinars (see for listing)

Attending Six Seconds’ EQ Cafes and other events  (see

Take an ACE course (see

Re-attending this course (cost-only basis for re-attending)

Take a free e-learning course

Please keep track – at the end of the year you’ll fill in a form on this site where you need to document these hours!


Make yourself a document or folder where you’ll keep track of your Six Seconds ACEs.

Put a note on your calendar to remind yourself of this requirement.

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