What does a compassionate workplace look like? A Q&A with Monica Worline https://t.co/uuo2ttkyQ3 #work #worklife… https://t.co/Y7SxPxXbNk
A Six-Year-Old’s Advice on Life and Overcoming Fear
A 6-year-old’s advice on life and overcoming fear, turned into the most heartwarming movie https://t.co/JPcN1U9dEN https://t.co/Wvy7s45bvK
How to Reduce Rudeness in the Workplace
Rudeness at work is the worst. Here are some ideas from Christine Porath to reduce it: https://t.co/gzivGMjXtc… https://t.co/3MQeTr9yzA
Five Ways Museums Can Increase Empathy in the World
Museums aren’t just great places to see art and experience culture–they cab also boost empathy… https://t.co/kv9PA6yufG
For Our Own Good, Let There Be Dark
RT @DiscoverMag: Messing with our circadian rhythms can cause problems beyond the bedroom: https://t.co/C71tiDLQca https://t.co/bAKqH0anQv
The Four Keys to a Meaningful Life
Four keys to a meaningful life https://t.co/yoVPKbqv0u https://t.co/klkJ0ecaeT
Can Empathy Bridge Political Divides?
Empathy: Can it bridge the political divide? https://t.co/gxJpPQy33S #empathy https://t.co/qfJSAe4yjZ
Greater Good Science Center’s Newsletters!
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What’s the Matter with Empathy?
A researcher describes what empathy is and what it does for us https://t.co/xMUqioJDwl #empathy https://t.co/bnaSVrlNXV
Does Your Personality Predict Your Happiness?
Does your personality predict your happiness? https://t.co/774VeE7InH https://t.co/cOFvczuV19
There Is No Good Card for This – Book Discussion
Dr. Kelsey Crowe discusses new book There Is No Good Card for This w/ GGSC’s Jason Marsh in Oakland Jan. 31… https://t.co/xYxVLofIkz
Why Do We Throw Coins in Fountains?
How do we experience awe? https://t.co/w85cr40qly
How to Combat America’s Creativity Crisis
America has a creativity crisis. Here are some ways to fight it: https://t.co/ofibztiJGq #creativity https://t.co/vHSoqps7fH
Awaking Joy for Kids – Free Webinar
Free webinar Feb. 10 w/ Christine Carter & James Baraz on Awakening Joy for Kids. https://t.co/MC2Aiq4e8T @raisinghappines
Mindfulness—an Alternative to Jailtime for Repeat Drunk Drivers
RT @MindfulOnline: Mindfulness—an alternative to jailtime for repeat drunk drivers https://t.co/UPh77Yz2Se https://t.co/DJ3TlQcV2x
Conference: Health & Well-Being for Business Leaders Feb 1-3
Conference: Health & Well-Being for Business Leaders Feb 1-3 on Cal campus: https://t.co/q8CVKXXNMA @Cal
What to Do When You Feel Stuck in Negative Emotions
What do do when you feel stuck in negative emotions https://t.co/ywKGddtl7o #emotionagility https://t.co/tZfFbqUj5v
Can Empathy Reduce Racism?
RT @compassioncode: Empathy to fight racism from @GreaterGoodSC https://t.co/LvVZFTBqTY
Is It True That Single Women and Married Men Do Best?
MT @PsychToday: Most people assume that singles could never be as happy as couples. Here’s why they’re wrong. https://t.co/9iZyCWA8Cz
How The Systemic Segregation Of Schools Is Maintained By ‘Individual Choices’
RT @JanieceStaton: How The #SystemicSegregationOfSchools Is Maintained By ‘#IndividualChoices’: https://t.co/OqJ87Nygtm @EvrydayFeminism @G…