Mindfulness comes to the Knicks via @nytimes https://t.co/uT7YiD7YP4
Advancing Nature as a Public Health Solution
The Sierra Club’s Stacy Bare talks about nature as public health solution https://t.co/q3pkKeQlPV @sierraclub @MissionOutdoor
Our Favorite Books of 2016
What were your favorite nonfiction 2016 books on the science of a meaningful life? https://t.co/Jj5lPuwolX https://t.co/TwA7nWvktP
Equanimity: Finding Balance in Difficult Times
James Baraz on how to find balance in difficult times https://t.co/leiqNgOxb1 @Spirit_Rock https://t.co/JDNDbBXQWm
What Can Americans Dream Now?
RT @bopsource: My interview with @courtwrites about what really matters inside the American dream https://t.co/OufewPa80d cc @GreaterGoodSC…
The Dark Side of Believing in Natural Talent
What the science of expertise tells us about educating students: https://t.co/TD4aDWXJx7 https://t.co/CPgGkYEpQP
G Is for Gratitude
@LouieFilms talks about The Power of #Gratitude. https://t.co/H3hajuo2Tq
Read the GGSC’s 2016 Annual Report
Check out our first ever annual report! https://t.co/HklF36iDrs https://t.co/11AhJh08tB
World Congress on Positive Psychology
Registration now open for IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology July 13-16 in Montreal https://t.co/R9G1EZiZLY
Do You Overeat? You Might Want to Blame Childhood Stress
RT @PsychToday: Being under financial stress as a child could have long-lasting effects on your eating behavior. https://t.co/Rp4wxbuY8p
Should We Always Look for Silver Linings?
Is it always better to look for the good side of things? https://t.co/IPgxxARxUf https://t.co/iQZmIFUyqy
Against Empathy – A Book Critique
RT @FetzerInstitute: Paul Bloom’s controversial book Against Empathy mixes valid points with misguided critiques. https://t.co/tyZh32OIR2
Science Says Nature Makes Us Kinder
RT @yesmagazine: We know #nature makes us happier. Now science says it makes us kinder too https://t.co/YNGH6Re50u @GreaterGoodSC https://t…
Love, Power, Morality, and Awe
RT @sbkaufman: Dr. Dacher Keltner on Love, Power, Morality, and Awe | The Psychology Podcast https://t.co/pLrwEbjTD5 @psychpodcast @Greater…
The Best Music for Productivity? Silence
What the sound of productivity? Silence. https://t.co/PfzdXocDuP https://t.co/0ctsCkMBg1
Is the Search for Happiness Making Us Anxious?
Is looking for #happiness making us anxious? https://t.co/SgIKnw2rOB @ruthwhippman
Syrian Refugee Aid Workers Are Training in Mindfulness
Training Syrian refugee aid workers in mindfulness to help them get through an impossible job https://t.co/AJEirBA8Aa
Best Possible Self Exercise
RT @utopiah: A good way to start the year: take 15min to write down your “Best Possible Self” https://t.co/ZbM6tRAR4F @GreaterGoodSC act on…
5 Ways To Help Teens Find Purpose
RT @KomunsUS: No one said being a teenager was easy – but how can you help your kids find purpose in their lives? https://t.co/h5Hm5vqkPq @…
The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2016
RT @ProjectThankful: 10 Things We Learned About #Thankfulness in 2016. https://t.co/x0UByQ1pCJ HT @GreaterGoodSC #Mindfulness #Empathy