Lithuania is embracing emotional intelligence as a way to create new organizations and a culture of human dignity.
The Gift of Forgiveness
It’s nice to forgive, but forgiveness is really for you and not for anyone else.
The Case for EQ
EQ improves effectiveness, relationships, health, influence, decision making, and quality of life. The case for EQ:
The Hidden Cost of Stress
RT @dahliabach: In a world focused on faster, can slowing down be what’s best for performance? via @eqjosh
3 Great Traits of Insanely Loving People
3 Great Traits of Insanely Loving People (practising them will improve your EQ!)
Creating Organizational Value with Emotional Intelligence
How do businesses use EQ to create value? Order our free eBook, ‘EQ for Learning & Development Professionals’:
Monthly EQ Parenting Tips
Sign up here to get our monthly EQ parenting tips, straight to your inbox!
Bringing Home Baby with Emotional Intelligence
New arrival? Find out how to bring home baby with EQ, & take care of the emotional wellbeing of your older child!
Upcoming Free Webinars
Here are some new free webinars for June from Six Seconds –
Tips for Helping Children with Emotional Intelligence
14 Tips for Helping Children with Emotional Intelligence:
EQ Profiles for Education Workshop
Educators – take a look at our upcoming EQ Profiles for Education workshop in the SF Bay Area, on 20 May.
The Biggest Emotional Intelligence Flaw Hurting Your Growth
Comparative suffering is when you minimize someone else’s troubles compared to the rough time you’ve had.
The Success of Thrive Public Schools
If you’re a teacher, you’ll find some really useful information about project-based learning here!
Emotional Intelligence, Our Children and How You Can Make a Difference
It is time to emotionally educate our children, and we can only do that if we first emotionally educate ourselves.
Bridging the Gap Between Art and Science
Can the lines were blurred between the fields of science, art & math? Check out what our Synapse School has done!
Age Only Counts If You Are A Cheese
Did you know that men usually make their mark by 30, but women often make their mark after 60?
What Neuroscience Says about Free Will
We’re convinced that free will exists, but research suggests it might be nothing more than a trick of the brain.
Is Teaching Kids Empathy Just as Important as Teaching Them Math?
We teach our kids to read and write but are we teaching them how to feel? How do we go about teaching them empathy?
5 Reasons to Beef Up Your Emotional Intelligence
5 reasons why every leader needs emotional intelligence.
Thinking on Your Feet
Do students think best when on their feet? The research says yes!