How to Cultivate a Bully-Free Community

This article from Edutopia offers advice on creating a community free of bullying, based on the five guiding fundamentals at Odyssey Community School in Asheville, North Carolina. Considering the struggle with bullying that schools nationwide are facing, this example is more relevant than ever.

The Power of Doing Absolutely Nothing

In this TED talk, Andy Puddicombe talks about the power of doing nothing – no emailing, texting, TV, texting, chatting, reading – not even sitting there reminiscing about the past or planning for the future- literally nothing. And the benefits of doing exactly that for even ten minutes a day.

Carol Dweck on the Growth Mindset and Education

This is a Q&A with Stanford University’s Carol Dweck, renowned for her research into growth and fixed mindsets. Her research into growth mindsets has huge implications for education and parenting. As she described it: “We did the study six times because the results were so powerful: we wanted to make sure the results were real.” […]