Barbara Fatum and Josh Freedman discuss how to set the stage for a successful family meeting. The trick is giving kids power – not total control – but power so that they truly feel part of the process.
The Emotional Shift of Effective Sales
Ray Phoon and Josh Freedman have a lively discussion about sales, emotions, and what actually works.
The Paradox of Choice
In this new RSA Animate, Professor Renata Salecl explores the paralysing anxiety and dissatisfaction surrounding limitless choice. Does the freedom to be the architects of our own lives actually hinder rather than help us? Does our preoccupation with choosing and consuming actually obstruct social change?
How to Become an Ally for Children
Barbara Fatum and Josh Freedman talk about the challenge for parents of walking side-by-side with their children, as opposed to in front of them. An amazing conversation about parenting, power, autonomy, and self-awareness.
How to Give a Great Sales Presentation
Value is different in everyone’s eyes, which is why sales can be difficult. The process of discovery as a salesperson – qualifying a customer’s needs, understanding their challenges, and being able to present solutions appropriate to their needs – has been found to determine 60% of the success of sales. So a great sales presentation, […]
Praising Kids’ Abstract Paintings
Josh Freedman and Jay Grant have a short, lively conversation about how we normally talk to kids and nuanced ways to improve the feedback we give to praise efforts more than outcomes.
How to Build and Rebuild Trust
Trust is the foundation of success, and the center of Six Seconds’ Vital Signs model. In this TED talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it — something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber.
How to Create Vital, Productive Teams
Josh Freedman and Jay Grant discuss the factors that make teams and organizations vital – and why that makes all the difference in today’s business climate.
What Defines Your Generation?
What defines your generation? Soul Pancake asked people from 0 to 100 this same question, and the answers have a lot to do with technology, autonomy and change. What would you say?
Learning for Change
A brief introduction to Six Seconds’ learning philosophy and the Change MAP. Six Seconds is committed to creating great learning based on current research about the brain and how change occurs. In all our courses, consulting, and coaching, we utilize an approach informed by neuroscience and Constructivist learning theory. These principles are captured in our […]
Workshop Design Template
This workshop design template helps clarify the aim, learning objectives and EAR format of a workshop. It’s an immensely helpful tool to make sure your workshop is as effective as possible. Before any workshop, whether it’s a half hour or multiple days, I use this as an organizing tool.
MLK Last Speech – Feeling Your Noble Goal!
This is a short clip of the last speech Martin Luther King Jr. gave in his life. It shows the amazing passion that comes from really feeling this sense of deeper purpose of pursuing a noble goal. He sees his impending death, or at least the possibility of it, and he’s so rooted in his […]
3 Simple Steps You Must Take in a Job Interview
Ozy CEO Carlos Watson shares his 3 tips to look for when hiring someone – and the advice is equally valuable to keep in mind as the person being interviewed. It’s an ode to the power of intrinsic motivation as a key driver of business performance.
Why It’s Called Practicing Emotional Intelligence
Because no one is or ever will be perfect, and part of modeling EQ is modeling the ability to admit mistakes and make an effort to be better the next time. EQ isn’t something to know; it’s something to practice.
What Have You Changed Your Mind About?
From kids’ dreams and tastes in music to really impactful changes like deciding to forgive someone, people ages 0 to 100 share what they have changed their mind about in this cool video from Soul Pancake.
Feeling Stressed as a Parent? You’re Not Alone
The expectations for kids’ involvement in constant activities seems to grow every year, and this causes a lot of stress for parents. Barbara Fatum and Josh Freedman discuss this trend that many of us feel – and what we can do about it. For more tools for parents after watching the video, check out this […]
Modulo de Instrucción: Comunidad
Con actividades interactivas, use esta presentación para presentar la importancia de la comunidad y cómo cultivarla.
Rethinking What Success Is
Josh Freedman and May Duong make a compelling case for redefining success and thinking of it as less of a goal, and endpoint, and more of a process that we are constantly engaging with.
What’s Your Greatest Fear?
People ages 0 to 100 answer this question in a video from Soul Pancake. Most of the answers are related to connection and purpose, and the fear of missing out on one of those. Interesting that it is heavy on Give Yourself. What’s your greatest fear?
The Office and Intrinsic Motivation
This clip from The Office shows how Michael and Jim became co-managers. A funny look at leadership and engaging intrinsic motivation.