We Are Built To Be Kind

Charles Darwin’s emphasis on the role of empathy is an often overlooked part of his teachings. In this short video, UC Berkley professor Dacher Keltner discusses the role of empathy in human evolution and how we can see the roots of that tendency toward empathy in the make up of our nervous systems.

Academic Research- Imitation, Likability and Empathy

Imitation has been shown to occur automatically, but why? What purpose does this human tendency serve in our lives? Recent research suggests that we imitate others in order to understand them and to establish a connection with them. This slide and the accompanying notes describe the experiments that led to these conclusions.

Using EQ to Manage Physical Suffering

How can you use emotional equilibrium to reduce suffering from chronic pain? Ranjan Patel has 30 years experience in the mental health field. Located in Burlingame CA, she’s in private practice doing psychotherapy and mindfulness training for adults individuals, couples, and families. As community service, she organizes and facilitates a free monthly support group for […]

Emotional Physical Therapy Workbook

Emotional Physical Therapy is an emotional clearing method designed to coach individuals to unblock their excellence by accepting one’s own divinity. The tools and exercises in this workbook provide everything you need for complete self-transformation. This free chapter is 40 days of exercises on detoxification.

Academic Research- Don’t Like What You See? Give It Time

These slides summarize recent academic research into positivity. Do older people tend toward a positive or negative bias? If you take a couple breaths before answering, would that change your answer? Answers to these and more can be found in the notes.

A Unified Model of Human Development

How do we reach transcendental, divine self-actualization? EQ is a part. EQ is the ability to be aware, understand and regulate our emotions and is a key ingredient towards being happy and productive. Author James Williams is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David: Swansea Metropolitan.

Academic Research- Emotion Regulation, Social Anxiety and Your Family

These slides summarize recent academic research into emotion regulation, social anxiety and the family. Do poor emotion regulation techniques cause social anxiety, and if so, would one or both of these be passed on from mother to child? Read the notes for descriptions.