Many times as parents we feel strong emotions – and that is why a pause is essential. It helps us move out of unconscious reaction and into presence.
Helping Kids Feel the Gift of Belonging
Should we make kids feel like they have to earn our respect, or like they are always part of the family? Josh Freedman and Susan Stillman discuss the gift of belonging that we can give to our kids, that they are affiliated with our family and our bigger social networks.
6 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life
Check out this amazing poster and infographic, 6 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life. Print it out and hang it where you can see so you can be reminded throughout the day about your bigger purpose.
Embracing Kids’ Failures
Christine Carter and Kelly Corrigan from the Greater Good Science Center talk about the difficulty, and importance, of letting kids make mistakes and learning from them.
Nourishing Self-Compassion as Parents
How do we nourish our own empathy as parents, and help our kids do the same? Ilaria Boffa sat down with Josh Freedman to discuss the pressure and expectations that we put on ourselves as parents – and the essential role that empathy plays to reduce our own anxiety.
The Neuroscience of Creativity
This video from big think talks about the brain science behind craving both novelty and familiarity, and how creators and marketers use that knowledge to great effect.
Are Perceptions More Real than Reality?
Our emotions are based on our perceptions of the world – and we respond accordingly. Josh Freedman shares amazing insight into the neuroscience of emotions and the transformative power of recognizing how we are interpreting the world around us.
How to Praise Children
Christine Carter and Kelly Corrigan from the Greater Good Science Center talk about research into praise and what it means for how we should give feedback to kids.
Vitality Report 2017
Six Seconds’ 2017 Vitality Report as a PDF.
Researcher Discusses Building Blocks of Human Compassion
Dacher Keltner shares his research on the vagus nerve, a key nexus of mind and body, and a biological building block of human compassion. Dacher is UC Berkeley psychologist and director of the Greater Good Science Center.
KCG Reflection Worksheet
This poster has two powerful questions for Know Yourself, Choose Yourself, and Give Yourself. An amazing resource that you can keep at home or at work and go through this process whenever you need some clarity.
3 Tips for Engaging Intrinsic Motivation
Jonathan Low shares his 3 essential components of engaging intrinsic motivation. Practical tips for leaders, trainers, parents, or anyone who wants to engage others’ intrinsic motivation.
An App That Knows How You Feel
What if a computer could recognize your facial expressions and respond accordingly? Computer scientist Rana el Kaliouby talks about her work to make technology more emotionally aware.
Educating Future Change Makers
What will help my children, and the entire family, to contribute to the world in positive ways? May Duong talks about the importance of watering the seeds of curiosity in children, and planting it in the good soil of love and optimism.
Trabajando en el Aumento de Empatía
Este es un módulo breve de entrenamiento para trabajar en aumentar la empatía. Comienza con un video que muestra los pensamientos de un grupo diverso de personas en un hospital, este increíble video invita a la reflexión, y luego continúa con preguntas de seguimiento. Ideal para entrenadores, profesores o cualquier persona que quiera aumentar la […]
Nombrando Emociones para Domarlas, con Modelo de Plutchik
Josh Freedman, CEO de Six Seconds, creó esta presentación para explorar la neurociencia del nombrar emociones y usar una herramienta práctica para dar sentido a los sentimientos. Una forma fabulosa de trabajar en la habilidad EQ de mejorar la alfabetización emocional. Incluye el Modelo Plutchik y un ejercicio sobre el propósito de existir de los […]
El Emocionómetro de los Sentimientos – Conciencia Emocional
El Emocionómetro de los Sentimientos creado por Six Seconds enumera docenas de emociones, el propósito al que sirven y las sensaciones físicas asociadas con ellas. Una herramienta increíble para mejorar la alfabetización y la conciencia emocional.
More Peace, Less Power Struggle Around Routines
Many parents find themselves in power struggles with kids, especially around routines like dinnertime or getting out the door in the morning. How can we use EQ to lessen this resistance?
Emotoscope Feeling Chart
Six Seconds’ Emotoscope Feeling Chart lists dozens of emotions, the purpose they serve, and the physical sensations associated with them. An amazing tool for enhancing emotional literacy.
How to Help Children Pursue Noble Goals
How can you encourage a child to pursue noble goals? Josh Freedman and May Duong discuss the importance of taking kids’ ideas seriously, and not being afraid to ask young kids what they want to contribute to the world.