
Experience why, what, and how EQ works & Six Seconds’ research-based methods & tools. EQ drives effectiveness, relationships, quality of life and wellbeing. These learnable, measurable, scientifically-grounded skills are transformational… but how do you get started?

Unlock the power of your emotional intelligence and get started on the pathway of EQ certification.


You will need to be registered in this certification. To register, please go to www.6seconds.org/reg – you will then receive an EQ.org account (if you don’t have one) and access to the certification.

For help with registration, please email [email protected]

For technical assistance, please go to our helpdesk: http://6sec.org/help

Once you have your account and are enrolled… you will be able to access the course below to get started:

Complete any of these requirement(s) to get certification

UEQ Unlocking EQcourse

Join Unlocking EQ to learn Why, What, How emotional intelligence works

UEQ Unlocking EQ (Italiano)course

Join Unlocking EQ to learn Why, What, How emotional intelligence works

UEQ Libera Tu EQ (Español)course

En Libera Tu EQ EQ vamos a enfocarnos en qué es EQ, por qué es importante y cómo integrarla en tu practica diaria.

解锁情商 UEQ Unlocking EQ (Chinese)course

参与解锁情商课程,来学习情商为什么重要,情商是什么,情商如何修炼Join Unlocking EQ to learn Why, What, How emotional intelligence works

UEQ Unlocking EQ (Portuguese)course

Join Unlocking EQ to learn Why, What, How emotional intelligence works

UEQ Unlocking EQ (Arabic)course

Join Unlocking EQ to learn Why, What, How emotional intelligence works

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