3 Great Traits of Insanely Loving People (practising them will improve your EQ!) https://t.co/F11WB072Yy
The Secret Life of Our Brains
The secret life of our brains: a peek into the unconscious brain under anesthesia https://t.co/IkLlo7sCOk #scicomm #neuroscience
10 Principles of Strategic Leadership
10 Principles of Strategic Leadership https://t.co/LK4QFzIX9x Thanks PWC for outlining these! #leadership #management
How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds
Interesting details on why our tech is so addictive, and why it’s so important to unplug. From @tristanharris https://t.co/DzXbDhsy5e
Upcoming Free Webinars
Here are some new free webinars for June from Six Seconds – https://t.co/0TQXuscoF0
The Biggest Emotional Intelligence Flaw Hurting Your Growth
Comparative suffering is when you minimize someone else’s troubles compared to the rough time you’ve had. https://t.co/KkD8Ml6QsT
Age Only Counts If You Are A Cheese
Did you know that men usually make their mark by 30, but women often make their mark after 60? https://t.co/IPcZcKECVy
What Neuroscience Says about Free Will
We’re convinced that free will exists, but research suggests it might be nothing more than a trick of the brain. https://t.co/7HzhOwWKOm
Chocaholics Unite!
Chocaholics unite! A study has found that eating chocolate improves cognitive function! https://t.co/WPOlOPECTH
Expert Q&A: What Is Emotional Intelligence?
What is emotional intelligence, and why is it important? https://t.co/oDPmdMUo0S
The Upside of Stress
My most recent book, The Upside of Stress, comes out in paperback today. Usually a paperback release is time to… https://t.co/i5HnpRj4gn
EQ Updates from Six Seconds
EQ Updates from Six Seconds – https://t.co/6rGocUnfyn
Relationships Matter
“At the end of the day, relationships are what drives change” https://t.co/bsFzcu6Ap2
Why Self-Awareness is Critical for Millennials’ Success
Why Self-Awareness is Critical for Millennials’ Success (and How to Get it) https://t.co/2X4wlP8zBm #mindfulness #development
A Primer on Sleep
RT @DartfishDave: A Primer on Sleep https://t.co/v34eB6N57w via @harvardneurosci
6 Ways Gratitude Affects Your Brain
6 Ways Gratitude Affects Your Brain https://t.co/9PHD49IWyy
Are We Wired for Empathy?
‘Mirror neurons’ fire when we see others experiencing an emotion, such as happiness, fear, anger, or sadness. https://t.co/wZqujEFPK7
EQ Updates from Six Seconds
EQ Updates from Six Seconds – https://t.co/d3yZnv7DTk
Communication Habits Worth Breaking
8 Bad Communication Habits You Need to Break Immediately https://t.co/JFR9UGvMpc Please add “up-talking” to this list. Thanks.
Free Emotional Intelligence Workshop
Join us in Santa Barbara on June 23rd for our free emotional intelligence workshop! https://t.co/0BTzKC3dFr