#EmotionalIntelligence blends thinking and emotions to make the best decision. https://t.co/X04kJMewIQ
5 Ways to Stop Fixing and Start Developing
Small shift as a leader, or parent, or teacher… do you want others to do it your way… or their own best way? https://t.co/TXlsOPXGPQ
Embracing the Dark Side
Or a step further: There no negative (or positive) emotions. Data is data! https://t.co/tkPoMrYFix
Quote on Leadership
Thank you for sharing this. If we’re not going someplace worthwhile, probably we shouldn’t lead others there! https://t.co/w5nadJo4Rb
Could Stress Be Causing Your Relationship Problems?
Stressed? Here’s how to stay connected with your partner during difficult times. https://t.co/5lE8hQxokS
The Physics of Emotion: Candace Pert on Feeling Good
Your emotions literally change the chemistry of every cell in your body. https://t.co/pklw8cJou7
Zen Meditation and Lifelong Health
@kellymcgonigal https://t.co/n3MVltc14B (open access full text of study)
Adapt: Audio Exercises for Essential Leadership Skills
Great audio exercises with @CoachElad now available at @morethan_sound https://t.co/ydYAmJepH7
What Makes an Entrepreneur
RT @ieytoday: We need more entrepreneurs – children do this naturally! @richardgerver @richardbranson @YoungEnt @Entrepreneur https://t.co…
What Is a Change Maker?
Powerful change requires leading people – which means connecting emotionally. https://t.co/GfI6ywKzwU
The Neuroscience of Empathy
Is empathy something we are born with, or is it a skill that we can practice and improve throughout our lives? https://t.co/weYjGJYmkV
Videos of the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence
It’s great to know about EQ, but how do you actually use it in your everyday life? Here are 15 quick videos to help. https://t.co/kweq2eu9nL
How I Balance My Busy Mind
I just published “How I Balance My Busy Mind” https://t.co/klqQxH9mCF
Emotional Intelligence: How Competent Are You?
Emotional intelligence is a set of skills. Learn about the crucial competencies here.
Stress is Killing Me! Time for Emotional Intelligence?
RT @DFalecki: Stress is killing us so what can we do? The folks at #6seconds with @eqjosh show us the science of Emotional… https://t.co/…
The Neuroscience of Emotions
The Neuroscience of Emotions: An in-depth video by Google TechTalks: https://t.co/xy3m9dsPr8
Mindfulness Reduces Stress and Anger in Police
‘Mindfulness training’ is coming to law enforcement, and it’s never been more needed. https://t.co/0dPwhBLnzI
Rules, Agreements, Emotion and Motivation
Rules are imposed. Agreements are negotiated. Guess which is the most motivating? https://t.co/FJZfvD3L6a
Beliefs about Emotions, Depression, Anxiety and Fatigue
New study: Believing neg emotions are unacceptable decr self-compassion, social support; incr depression & fatigue. https://t.co/ezPQZxTmKW
5 Ways to Lead with Emotional Intelligence — and Boost Productivity.
5 Ways to Lead with Emotional Intelligence — and Boost Productivity. https://t.co/hCOwFvj1MZ