In this module we will focus on applying coaching competencies specifically in business — and in your business as a coach.

You’ll be working on designing a plan to work with a client. If you don’t have a client ready for a plan, create a fictional plan so you get the experience.

Again, in this segment of the course, we are using a business coaching process in three steps:




After Discovering, you gained a clear picture of their needs and wants (as they see it) and you’ve done the work to:

  • Clarify the Problem: You agree on the current challenge.
  • Clarify the Players: You know who’s involved and their views.
  • Clarify the Value: You know this is a problem worth solving.

The Awareness has been Created!

Now you can go to the Committing stage where you’ll do the planning — co-creating a map or path to solve the problem. Then, get commitment to the plan, and start.



Review this article on Structuring Transformational Learning using the Change MAP. Thinking about one of you potential client – how can you structure coaching to meet the needs you’ve identified?


The key thing here is to ensure you are connecting the dots. Your clients needs to clearly see that the plan will address the important problem that you’ve clarified.



Here’s a short clip of EQ sales expert Ray Phoon speaking with Josh Freedman about the end of the Discovering phase, going into Committing:



Create a proposal with just a few slides:

  • The Problem: What We Heard (Define the problem – set this up to “walk them down the path” using their words to restate this issue in a way that leads to the solution, so that when they go to the next slide it’s obvious why you’ve offered the solution you’ve offered!)
  • The Solution (Create a simple map to solve the problem, using the 3 phases of the Change MAP)
  • Costs and Deliverables (What they will need to pay and what will they get)

You could also add a slide about Background: Models & Methods, and maybe Why Us?  Maximum of 6 slides!!


Ensure your plan clearly addresses the problem, and that you have included ways to Manage Process & Accountability.



In this video, Ray Phoon and Josh Freedman talk about CLOSING sales – the end of the committing phase:



Share your sample proposal with your classmates, and we’ll discuss them on the group call.


Online Class

It’s time for the 3rd online CCS class to review above and confirm your next steps.