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The Physics of Emotion: Candace Pert on Feeling Go(o)d

The Physics of Emotion: Candace Pert on Feeling Go(o)d

Emotions, Pert explains, are not simply chemicals in the brain. They are electrochemical signals that affect the chemistry and electricity of every cell in the body. The body’s electrical state is modulated by emotions, changing the world within the body. In turn, Pert finds emotional states affect the world outside the body. “I’ve always kind […]

Posted July 30, 2015 by in Life

Emotional WHAT? Definitions and History of EQ.

Emotional WHAT? Definitions and History of EQ.

Is it really an intelligence? How do we know, and what is an intelligence anyway? Touted as the key to educational and corporate success, is EQ really just another “flavor of the month”? There are half a million web pages on “emotional intelligence,” and everyone wants to claim the “right” definition — so how many […]

Posted July 30, 2015 by in Life

White Paper: Emotional Contagion

White Paper: Emotional Contagion

Emotions serve to focus our attention on aspects of the world that help us thrive. They provide information about our interior world and about our relationships. For this survival function to operate optimally, we are highly sensitive to emotional signals in the environment. One person’s emotions are affected by others’. This effect is called “Emotional […]

Posted July 30, 2015 by in Life

Lesson: Daisy Conquers the Steps

Lesson: Daisy Conquers the Steps

How does it feel to learn something new? How do those feelings affect us in the learning process? from Christa Tinari. Written for elementary school, this lesson can easily be adapted to any age.

Posted March 15, 2015 by in Education

Article: What I learnt from an Ex-Gangster about Emotions

Article: What I learnt from an Ex-Gangster about Emotions

The significance of why we should be teaching our children that emotions are useful. from Telana Simpson

Posted March 15, 2015 by in Life

exercise: Walking the Emotional Line

exercise: Walking the Emotional Line

An activity for groups or individuals to reflect on emotions and how we can transition, or move forward to the next step. From Katherine Roff

Posted March 15, 2015 by in Business , Life

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